Andrew can finally fit in some of his pants. Don't get me wrong, they are pulled up past his tummy and can't be tied tight enough, but he wears them just the same. Here he is hanging out in his crib, sporting his khakis and his first shirt that doesn't snap at the bottom. Very mature, and he knows it. Despite having a very fussy day, he did well when we took him out to eat. He sat in his car seat and slept for the majority of the time. He seemed very interested in the wall, so he stared at it when he wasn't sleeping.
Speaking of fussy, here is our man looking less than mature in his big boy outfit.
Let's hope he isn't as upset today. Yesterday was a rough one. They say that around the 6-week point we can expect him to smile at us. I think we got a few almost smiles, but nothing for sure. But he can wear pants now, so it's not like he isn't making progress. He is noticeably taller now and his face is really filling out, as is his tummy. It's almost time to buy the next size diapers.
boy, he looks so cool in his pants and shirt. no baby stuff for him. he can wear real pants, even if they are up to his chest. looks great. keep sending them. you're doing a great job and where did you get all of that wit you have? great. keep them coming. put emily in some of them and you. make some family ones. love to all, mom
You would be crying too if you had your pants pulled up to your throat!
And what about that big sister that keeps licking you all of the time.
That would sure make me fussy and cry all of the time too!
Adorable. Henry had a pair of jeans that I couldn't wait to fit him- for the longest time I had to roll up the legs into giant cuffs. Now, they would probably look like a pair of shorts on him. Amazing how fast they grow! Your boy is looking MIGHTY cute.
Andrew is a cutie pie! Congrats Em and John. I love the blog. I check it often.
Here is my blog which includes pics of our latest arrival.
Can you send me Emily's email?
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