
Forget The Bit About The Christmas Tree...

I took pictures of him with the Christmas tree but they weren't that great. So, check this out instead. Andrew can speak! Here are 3 videos of him talking. He even eats the camera in the 3rd.


Andrew's First Christmas - Part 1

Andrew met Santa

Next: Andrew's First Christmas Tree



This is too easy. First you dream up some ridiculous scenario to photograph your baby in. How about a baby burrito? Next, photograph then upload the pics.. Write something... blah blah blah (nobody reads it anyway since the Andrew pics are so cute). And there you have it;


Here he is trying to crawl. He doesn't quite have it down yet.


These pictures arent very Thanksgiving-ish. In fact, they could be from the middle of summer and you couldn't tell. But here he is just the same, doing what he does.

First, the bath before going to visit his grandparents.

Next, here he is just waking up from a nice nap while the rest of us ate Thanksgiving dinner.

Finally, here he is back at home ready for bed. He went to one house for dinner, then another for dessert and was ready to hit the hay.


Out of Money

Andrew owes me $400 for his blogging fees. Until payment is received no further updates will be posted.


Hello Again

I don't have much to say tonight. Andrew is cute in every picture I take of him, as well as in real life. It makes it very hard sometimes to figure which pictures see the internet and which get filed away in iPhoto, among 1500 pictures of him. I have a few here that are very similar but I am putting them up, just because.

Check out how well he nails each expression. He could be an actor;

Show me cynical , yet confident
Try again...
How about supportive
How about bored?
Great, now bored and sleepy

and just like that, back to happy


Andrew Posing as Daddy

Andrew must have gone to my corporate office, 200mi from his house, just to put this picture of him in my glasses over my work picture. Very sneaky.


FRIENDS: Andrew & Morris

Andrew met Morris yesterday. Morris lives in Richmond VA and is a bit younger.
they meet!

Andrew was a little concerned about wearing what he considered to be "sweat pants". Despite feeling under dressed he still got it together for yet another photo shoot.
Open those eyes up!

2 handsome dudes looking cool


Back when Andrew was super skinny and we worried about him not eating enough. Picture taken 7-28-07


Great Grandma and Glasses

Andrew's Great Grandmother came all the way from NC to meet him. They were so happy to meet.

Andrew goofing around w/ daddy's glasses.


Andrew and The Excersaucer

After taking these he learned to actually play. It only required him removing his hand from his mouth.

Andrew Eating Cereal

Emily fed Andrew Cereal. At best he might have swallowed 50% of it.

WARNING - this video is a tiny bit gross, if you think food gushing out of a baby's mouth is gross. If not, please enjoy