
Andrew and Morris in the Pumpkin Patch

Morris invited Andrew to the "Fall Festival" at his school.

Andrew was shocked when he saw a little pig.
Really shocked.
Super shocked.
Morris loved riding the pony.

Andrew did not.

Hanging out in the Pumpkin Patch.
Posing for pics.

Looking for the best pumpkin.We act like they are friends but really they don't even acknowledge each other. It was difficult to get a picture with both of them in it.

In their subtle ways they let us know it was time for lunch.
Andrew gnawed on some straw.
Morris chomped a pumpkin.
Straw appetizer.

Perusing the menu.
Andrew decided to have paper and Morris ate a crayon.

Even though the weather was terrible we had a great day together.


Brian said...

His expression in the first 3 photos is priceless. He should check out the open house at Poplar Springs Animal Sanctuary with Rebekah in the spring.

If he is shocked by a little pig, wait til he sees a dozen that weighs a ton.

Mary said...

we should've tried making them nap in the same crib. surely they would've noticed each other at that point. and i'm sure it would've helped them sleep, too...

Greyson Scott said...

Greyson has the same sweater vest...thanks H&M!!